How to Implement No Spend Days in your Monthly Budget


I have been wanting to talk about finances here on the blog for the absolute longest! Welp, here goes nothing, first up NO SPEND DAYS! I remember a while back my forever friend Courtney and I played with the idea of not spending money for multiple days out the week. Back then it seemed unattainable but now in COVID life I have noticed double digits worth of no spend days and it has completely changed the way I think about money and my savings account. In today’s blog I want to talk about ways you too can implement No Spend Days in your monthly budget calendar.


This one is a no brainer but certainly necessary, we cannot delegate which days we aren’t spending money if you don’t know the days when you have to! In my agenda (that I just started back using) I use stickers and markings to notate the days in which my main bills are due, such as:

  • Rent

  • Car Note

  • Car Insurance

  • Electricity/Gas

  • Cable

  • Credit Card Payments

  • Student Loans

I have an excel sheet that I use in conjunction with my planner to list out all the amounts, so I know exactly how much I’m spending on said day.


I think everyone has adopted the habit of buying in bulk and in advance due to COVID. It seems normal now to constantly think ahead. Luckily, this helps with having no spend days! It eliminates the one of situations of needing dish detergent on a random Tuesday, going to Target or Walmart and buying everything but the dish detergent. Now I can really utilize a shopping list and stick to the items I need even the things I may need 2-3 weeks down the line.


This is my go-to, after reviewing my finances from last year - woah - I spent so much unnecessary money on things I cannot even remember (besides France, Italy, and Jamaica). This year is much different, I have a savings and when I think about where I want to be in the future it makes me not even want to touch my debit card. Try to visualize and even say out loud money goals you want for yourself I promise you will end up smiling at the end! Here is one money affirmation I always say, “I am a money magnet, money flows to me like liquid”. Go head, it’s your turn :)